Free WordPress Generators and Tools

Supercharge your workflow with tools powered by CodeWP's Proprietary AI models.
Boost your WordPress site building with AI. CodeWP provides free WordPress tools and generators to accelerate your workflow.
These tools utilize our proprietary AI to help you research plugins, generate code snippets, create child themes, explore REST APIs, and much more. Perfect for any WordPress builder looking to save time and boost productivity. The advanced artificial intelligence is trained on the latest WordPress code, functions and best practices to provide intelligent suggestions and recommendations.

Query Generators

Generate WordPress Queries to get content, taxonomies and more.

Admin Generators

Generate code to extend the WP admin.

Content Generators

Create new Custom Post Types, taxonomies, and more.

Need Custom Code?

Register for the CodeWP free. Use our proprietary AI models, plugin-specificc modes, and more. Connect directly to your WordPress sites for better generations. Get started today.
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Core Generators

Extend the core of WordPress, with things like custom hooks and cron jobs.

Design Generators

Theme and frontend widget/element generators.

CodeWP Modes

Choose a plugin-specific mode, and generate accurate, up-to-date code for any case on our Platform.
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CodeWP Presets

Use the CodeWP platform to easily generate complex, multi file solutions. Here are a few preset examples:
Gutenberg Blocks
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Elementor Widgets
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Woo Payment Methods
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Make WordPress Easy With AI
© WPAI, Inc. 2024 | d.b.a CodeWP