Easy Digital Downloads

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CodeWP AI mode

Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads enables you to sell digital products and downloads on WordPress sites. With CodeWP, you can use chat and code to customize EDD for your specific needs.

The chat mode provides guidance on configuring payments, managing products, using discounts, automating purchases, and more. You can understand how to create an online store, accept payments, manage customers, and customize the shopping experience.

The code mode generates PHP snippets to create custom purchase flows, set advanced access rules, integrate payment gateways, customize emails, manipulate carts, and tailor EDD behavior. CodeWP provides the tools to build your ideal EDD store.


CodeWP offers an AI assistant for explanations, automated code generation, verified snippets library, and tutorials to customize online stores powered by Easy Digital Downloads.



Example Prompts, Packages, and Snippets

AI Prompt Examples for Easy Digital Downloads
Example prompt ideas for this CodeWP AI mode.
Generate PHP code to create a custom discount that offers 25% off orders over $100 in Easy Digital Downloads.
Provide a function to redirect customers to a custom checkout page after adding to cart in Easy Digital Downloads.
Write a hook to integrate custom license key delivery after purchases are complete in Easy Digital Downloads.
Create a code snippet that displays cross-sells on the Easy Digital Downloads checkout page.
The conversational CodeWP chat mode enables intuitive assistance with any aspect of Easy Digital Downloads stores. You can ask how to configure products, customize emails, implement discounts, process payments, use APIs, automate purchases, and more. Simply describe what you want to accomplish in plain language and CodeWP will respond with tailored EDD code snippets, detailed explanations, and guidance to meet your needs. The natural language interface makes it easy to learn best practices and implement precise customizations for your EDD-powered online store.
This mode is only available for pro and agency plans.
Sign up for CodeWP to use it ->

Getting Started

To get started with the Easy Digital Downloads Mode, simply select the Easy Digital Downloads Mode from the dropdown menu in the Code and Chat UIs. You can then begin generating code or asking questions.

You can also select Easy Digital Downloads Mode on the "Create New" screen.
Make WordPress Easy With AI
© WPAI, Inc. 2024 | d.b.a CodeWP