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CodeWP AI mode


SearchWP allows you to create powerful customized search experiences on WordPress sites. With CodeWP, you can leverage chat and code modes to optimize and extend SearchWP.

The chat mode provides guidance on configuring index settings, filtering results, weighting priorities, and integrating advanced search features. You can understand how to tune relevancy, display result data, and customize the search experience.

The code mode generates working code snippets to modify default search behavior, create advanced searches, integrate custom fields, build filters, and customize the results output. CodeWP provides the tools to customize SearchWP for your needs.


CodeWP offers an AI assistant for explanations, automated code generation, verified snippets, and tutorials to customize WordPress sites using SearchWP.



Example Prompts, Packages, and Snippets

AI Prompt Examples for SearchWP
Example prompt ideas for this CodeWP AI mode.
Generate code to weight product categories higher in SearchWP query results.
Create a filter to exclude specific pages from the SearchWP index.
Build a custom search page template to display images and excerpts for SearchWP results.
Write a function to add custom field data to SearchWP results.
The conversational CodeWP chat mode enables you to intuitively get assistance with any aspect of SearchWP. You can ask how to optimize indexing, tweak relevancy, display specific data in results, create advanced searches, and more. Simply explain what you want to achieve in plain language and CodeWP will provide tailored code snippets, detailed explanations, and expert guidance to accomplish your search customization goals. The natural language interface makes it easy to learn best practices and implement the precise customized search functionality you need.
This mode is only available for pro and agency plans.
Sign up for CodeWP to use it ->

Getting Started

To get started with the SearchWP Mode, simply select the SearchWP Mode from the dropdown menu in the Code and Chat UIs. You can then begin generating code or asking questions.

You can also select SearchWP Mode on the "Create New" screen.
Make WordPress Easy With AI
© WPAI, Inc. 2024 | d.b.a CodeWP