
Launch Mode
CodeWP AI mode


note This mode is currently in alpha testing. After tested, it will be moved to beta, then GA.

Dokan is the leading multivendor marketplace plugin for WordPress. With the CodeWP Dokan mode, you can leverage conversational AI guidance and automatic code generation to customize and extend Dokan stores.

The conversational assistant provides in-depth knowledge on tailoring vendor dashboards, creating custom templates, managing products, developing widgets, processing payments, implementing hooks, and fully integrating the Dokan API.

CodeWP allows you to control vendor requirements, marketplace fees, review systems, and payouts programmatically via generated PHP snippets. It gives developers the tools to build custom Dokan registration forms, dashboard widgets, order verification systems, and advanced integrations.

Between CodeWP's conversational explanations and automatic code generation, you have everything needed to customize robust, large-scale multi-vendor marketplaces powered by Dokan. The platform enables full control over the frontend experience while accelerating development with AI-generated code.


CodeWP offers an AI assistant for explanations, automated code generation, verified snippets library, and tutorials to customize multi-vendor marketplaces powered by Dokan.



Example Prompts, Packages, and Snippets

AI Prompt Examples for Dokan
Example prompt ideas for this CodeWP AI mode.
Mark orders as verified when shipped for trusted vendors
Redirect Dokan vendors to a custom registration form after signing up (page ID 5)
Custom Dokan vendor dashboard widget to display recent sales data
The conversational CodeWP chat mode enables intuitive assistance with any aspect of Dokan customization. You can ask how to modify vendor dashboards, create custom templates, process payments, manage products, implement hook and filters, work with APIs, build widgets, and more. Simply describe what you want to accomplish in plain language and CodeWP will provide tailored Dokan code snippets, detailed explanations, and guidance to meet your needs. The natural language interface makes it easy to learn best practices and implement precise customizations for your Dokan marketplace.
This mode is only available for pro and agency plans.
Sign up for CodeWP to use it ->

Getting Started

To get started with the Dokan Mode, simply select the Dokan Mode from the dropdown menu in the Code and Chat UIs. You can then begin generating code or asking questions.

You can also select Dokan Mode on the "Create New" screen.
Make WordPress Easy With AI
© WPAI, Inc. 2024 | d.b.a CodeWP