
Custom WooCommerce Download Limit Alert

This customization alters the default WooCommerce notification when a user reaches the download limit for a product. It enables a more tailored and potentially user-friendly message, improving the overall shopping experience.

<?php /** * Change the default WooCommerce download limit reached message */ function custom_wc_override_default_strings( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) { if ( $domain === 'woocommerce' && $text === 'Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file' ) { $translated_text = __( 'Your custom message goes here.', 'codewp' ); } return $translated_text; } add_filter( 'gettext', 'custom_wc_override_default_strings', 20, 3 ); ?>

Frequently Asked Questions

The code customizes the default message that WooCommerce displays when a user reaches the download limit for a file.

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