
Copyright Year Shortcode Plugin

This WordPress plugin provides a shortcode that outputs a dynamic copyright year, which can be set to display a range from a specified start year to the current year. It includes several attributes for customization such as start year, separator, date format, and optional text before and after the year range.

<?php /* Plugin Name: CodeWP Copyright Year Shortcode Plugin URI: Description: A flexible shortcode to display copyright years in WordPress posts and pages. Version: 1.0 Author: CodeWP Author URI: License: GPLv2 or later Text Domain: codewp-copyright-year */ // Register a new shortcode: [cwpai_cr_year] add_shortcode( 'cwpai_cr_year', 'cwpai_copyright_year_func' ); function cwpai_copyright_year_func( $atts ) { // Attributes with more options $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'start_year' => '', 'separator' => '-', 'format' => 'Y', // PHP date format 'before_text' => '', 'after_text' => '', 'display_condition' => 'always' // Options: always, past, future ), $atts, 'cwpai_cr_year' ); $current_year = date($atts['format']); $output = ''; // Conditional display switch ($atts['display_condition']) { case 'past': if ( !empty($atts['start_year']) && $atts['start_year'] < $current_year ) { $output = "{$atts['start_year']}{$atts['separator']}{$current_year}"; } break; case 'future': if ( !empty($atts['start_year']) && $atts['start_year'] > $current_year ) { $output = "{$atts['start_year']}{$atts['separator']}{$current_year}"; } break; default: // 'always' $output = !empty($atts['start_year']) && $atts['start_year'] < $current_year ? "{$atts['start_year']}{$atts['separator']}{$current_year}" : $current_year; break; } // Adding before and after text return $atts['before_text'] . $output . $atts['after_text']; } ?>

Frequently Asked Questions

The [cwpai_cr_year] shortcode dynamically displays copyright years on WordPress posts and pages.