

The provided code is a PHP and JavaScript solution for adding an "Export Coupons" button to the WordPress admin page for managing WooCommerce coupons. This button allows users to export all the available coupons as a CSV file. The PHP function add_export_coupons_button adds the button to the page actions section, next to the "Add Coupon" button. When the "Export Coupons" button is clicked, an AJAX request is sent to the server to export the coupons as a CSV file. The PHP function export_coupons_as_csv retrieves all the coupons, prepares the data in CSV format, and saves it as a file. Once the export is complete, a success message is displayed. The code also includes the necessary WordPress files and registers the AJAX action for exporting coupons.

<?php // Function to handle AJAX request add_action("admin_footer", "add_export_coupons_button"); function add_export_coupons_button() { global $current_screen; if ($current_screen->post_type != "shop_coupon") { return; }?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { var exportButton = document.createElement('button'); exportButton.innerHTML = 'Export Coupons'; exportButton.id = 'export-coupons'; exportButton.classList.add('page-title-action'); exportButton.style.marginLeft = '10px'; exportButton.addEventListener('click', function () { var buttonText = this.innerHTML; var spinner = document.createElement('span'); spinner.classList.add('spinner', 'is-active'); this.innerHTML = ''; this.appendChild(spinner); this.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' Loading...')); this.disabled = true; $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, data: { action: 'export_coupons_as_csv' }, success: function (response) { alert("Coupons exported successfully!"); exportButton.innerHTML = buttonText; exportButton.disabled = false; } }); }); var pageActions = document.querySelector('.page-title-action'); pageActions.parentNode.insertBefore(exportButton, pageActions.nextSibling); }); </script> <?php } // Include necessary WordPress files require_once ABSPATH . "wp-load.php"; require_once ABSPATH . "wp-admin/includes/file.php"; require_once ABSPATH . "wp-admin/includes/media.php"; function export_coupons_as_csv() { // Get all WooCommerce Coupons $args = [ "posts_per_page" => -1, "post_type" => "shop_coupon", "post_status" => "publish", ]; $coupons = get_posts($args); $csv_data = []; // Prepare data for CSV foreach ($coupons as $coupon) { $coupon_meta = get_post_meta($coupon->ID); $csv_data[] = [ "ID" => $coupon->ID, "post_title" => $coupon->post_title, "discount_type" => $coupon_meta["discount_type"][0], "coupon_amount" => $coupon_meta["coupon_amount"][0], "expiry_date" => $coupon_meta["date_expires"][0], ]; } // Convert array to CSV $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $csv_file_path = $upload_dir["path"] . "/coupons_" . count($csv_data) . "_" . time() . ".csv"; $fp = fopen($csv_file_path, "w"); foreach ($csv_data as $fields) { fputcsv($fp, $fields); } fclose($fp); $filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($csv_file_path), null); $filetitle = preg_replace('/\.[^.]+$/', "", basename($csv_file_path)); $attachment = [ "post_mime_type" => $filetype["type"], "post_title" => $filetitle, "post_content" => "", "post_status" => "inherit", ]; $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $csv_file_path); require_once ABSPATH . "wp-admin/includes/image.php"; $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $csv_file_path); wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_data); } add_action("wp_ajax_export_coupons_as_csv", "export_coupons_as_csv"); ?>

Frequently Asked Questions

The code adds a custom button to the WooCommerce Coupons page in the WordPress admin area that, when clicked, triggers an AJAX request to export all coupons to a CSV file.